Nespresso Secret Breakfast
Image: Rebecca Brage
Image: Sebastian Bergström
The Challenge
In the Nordics, we drink 5.4 billion cups of coffee every year. Filter coffee dominates the market and we drink most of it in the morning. We saw a massive potential to position Nespresso. We wanted to find a natural way to own the morning, which could also serve as a platform from which Nespresso can launch and make their news visible in creative environments to spark interest and increase preference.
The Solution
Together with Rebecca Brage, known as @stockholmfood, Story has developed the concept Secret Breakfast. We invite selected guests to unique breakfast experiences where Nespresso is the center of attention. Both the location and menu are kept a secret until one hour before the event, when it is revealed to the guests. The element of surprise allows each event to be exciting. We always make sure to give our guests a new experience where the theme, menu and location are inspired by each individual launch. Over the years, the breakfasts have been developed by top-class chefs and restaurants, including Garba, DoMa, Portal, Adam & Albin and Joel Åhlin to name a few.
The Result
Over three years later, there continues to be a massive interest in our Secret breakfasts. The numbers speak for themselves: our 13 breakfasts thus far have resulted in almost 370 clippings and a total reach of over 12,9 million.
Image: Rebecca Brage